
A student:

P4 examines significant aspects of religious traditions
P5 describes the influence of religious traditions in the life of adherents
P6 selects and uses relevant information about religion from a variety of sources
P8 uses appropriate terminology related to religion and belief systems

Use the library and web sources conduct research on three ritual objects/ garments within Judaism.

For each object and/or ritual garment:

1. Explain the origins
2. Describe the objects/garments and the way in which they are used
3. Explain their influence in the life of adherents.

Include a bibliography.

Present your information in a chart. Landscape format would be best.
Use the following headings:

Object/ Ritual garment
Description and use of object/garment
Influence in the life of adherents.

Some suggestions

Shabbat Candles
Ner Tamid
Havdalah objects
Seder Plate

Mark allocation

1. Explain the origins

  • Comprehensive explanation of how and why the object/garment developed
  • Identifies specific sacred texts and writings which provide the source of the object/garment
  • Information and terminology is relevant and accurate; sources are clearly identified in the bibliography


  • Sound explanation of how and/or why the object/garment developed
  • General reference to sacred texts and writings which provide the source of the object/garment
  • Generally accurate and relevant information and terminology; bibliography is included

3 – 4

  • Basic description of how and/or why the object/garment developed
  • Minimal reference to sacred texts and writings which provide the source of the object/garment
  • Some relevant information and basic terminology

1 – 2

2. Describe the way in which they are used

  • Clearly identifies the characteristics and features of the object/garment
  • Comprehensively describes the way in which it is used.
  • Sources are clearly identified in the bibliography


  • Identifies some characteristics and features of the object/garment
  • General description of the way in which it is used.
  • Sources are clearly identified in the bibliography.

4 – 6

  • Basic reference to some characteristics and features of the object/garment
  • May refer to the use of the object/garment
  • Sources not clearly identified

1 – 3

3.  Explain the influence in the everyday life of adherents

  • Demonstrates comprehensive knowledge and understanding of the way in which the object/ritual garment reflects the beliefs and ethics of Judaism.
  • Provides detailed explanation about how and why the object/ritual garment influences the life of adherents.
  • Information and terminology is relevant and accurate.


  • Demonstrates general knowledge and understanding of the way in which the object/ritual garment reflects the beliefs and ethics of Judaism.
  • Provides some explanation about how and/or why the object/ritual garment influences the life of adherents.
  • Information and terminology is generally relevant and accurate.

6 – 7

  • Demonstrates basic knowledge and some understanding of the way in which the object/ritual garment reflects the beliefs and ethics of Judaism.
  • Refers to the use of the object/ritual garment in the life of adherents.
  • Some information and terminology is relevant and accurate.

4 – 6

  • Limited knowledge and understanding
  • May refer to the use of the object/ritual garment
  • Little accurate use of terminology.

1 – 3

© Hilary Kahn Moriah College, Sydney 2006